Publications and Presentations
Hazan S, (upcoming 2024), The Promise of Pastiche: How ai Systems Pervade the Cultural Heritage Sector, Handbook of Arts and Computational Culture: Real and Virtual, Worlds, Springer Series on Cultural Computing S.Hazan (2023). The Foundation, The Network and the Climate Community come together to locate Climate Action in Europeana. In P. M. Homem (Ed.), Integrated risk management in museums. Past lessons, future ways (pp. 169- 187). Porto: FLUP. Hazan S, (2023) The Dance of the Doppelgängers: AI and the cultural heritage community, Published by BCS Learning and Development Ltd. Proceedings of EVA London 2023, UK, S. Hazan (2023) Yad Vashem, 2023, International School for Holocaust Studies (Yad Vashem’s School), Prompting Forbidden Words Hazan S, (2023) An Accident Waiting to Happen: AI Besieges the Cultural Heritage Community, Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, EVA 2023. Hazan S, (2023) Europeana Takes on Digital Sobriety at a Time of Climate Emergency, Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, EVA 2023 Florence. S. Hazan (2023) CEPIC, May 11.2023, Panel; Is AI hijacking Art? AN ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN - AI BESIEGES THE CULTURAL HERITAGE COMMUNITY S. Hazan (2020) University of Macerata, Rethinking Culture and Creativity: The Role of Cultural Heritage in the Green and Digital Transition, Online International Workshop - The Cultural Heritage Sector takes on the Climate Action Challenge S. Hazan (2020) University of Porto, Portugal Research & Development Unit CITCEM - Center for Transdisciplinary Research «Culture, Space and Memory» and by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Integrated Risk Management in Museums. Past Lessons, Future Ways, The Foundation, The Network and the Climate Community come together to locate Climate Action in Europeana Hazan S., (2021), Mining Big Data for Agile Narratives, MBD 2020, MUSEUM BIG DATA, 2021. S. Hazan (2020) Deep Fake and Cultural Truth - Custodians of Cultural Heritage in the Age of Digital Reproduction, Springer, 2020. Download S. Hazan (2020) Digitalia, Through the Looking Glass. Cultural Heritage Custodians Populate the MirrorworldS. Hazan (2019) Through the Looking Glass - Cultural Heritage Custodians to Populate the Mirrorworld, Digitalia, Italy, S. Hazan (2019) Artigo: Construindo o Museu Digital, Unesp - Universidade Estadual Paulista - Portal, (in Portugese) Hazan S., Katz A.L. (2017) The Willing Suspension of Disbelief: The Tangible and the Intangible of Heritage Education in E-Learning and Virtual Museums. In: Ioannides M., Magnenat-Thalmann N., Papagiannakis G. (eds) Mixed Reality and Gamification for Cultural Heritage. Springer, Cham S. Hazan (2015) Performing the Museum in an Age of Digital Reproduction, ISSN 2057-519X (Online), FURNACE, The Postgraduate Journal of the Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage, University of Birmingham, (Download chapter) S. Hazan, The Digital Dead Sea Scrolls – Working on a Google Cloud, in Proceedings, Museums and the Web 2011 (San Diego, 2011), S. Hazan, S. Hermon, (2014) ON DEFINING THE VIRTUAL MUSEUM: A V-MUST RESEARCH PROJECT, EVA Florence, 2014 (Download report) S. Hazan, S. Hermon, (2013), Rethinking the Virtual Museum, Digital Heritage International Congress (Digital Heritage) S. Hazan, S. Hermon, (2013) Rethinking the Virtual Museum Digital Heritage International Congress S Hermon, S Hazan, (2013) Rethinking the Virtual Museum, Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage) S. Hazan (2011) The museum in the palm of your hand: presenting the Israel Museum through ICT IL CAPITALE CULTURALE. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, 11-23 Hazan, S., Hagedorn-Saupe M., & Caffo R. (2010). ATHENA: A Mechanism for Harvesting Europe's Museum Holdings into Europeana. (Trant, Jennifer, David Bearman, Ed.) Museums and the Web. Abstract Hazan S., Winer D. (2010) Uncommon Culture, Vol. 1, no. 1/2: Think Culture S. Hazan (2010) Musing the Metaverse: The Musesphere and the E-Museum.. Heritage in the Digital Era, Multi-Science Publishing, Brentwood, Esse, UK S. Hazan (2008) Cultural institutions take on a [Second] Life of their own, International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism, Inderscience S. Hazan (2006) A Crisis of Authority: Old Lamps for New, in Theorizing Digital Cultural Heritage, Ed. Fiona Cameron and Sarah Kenderdine, MIT Press. S. Hazan (2006) Constructing reality - The Museum of Jurassic Technology, Essay from Mapping the Musesphere Cultures of Exhibition and Technologies of Display, MPhil/PhD, Media and Communications, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 2006, Chapter 5 - Displaying Mimesis: Fakes, Facsimiles and Fabrications (Download) S. Hazan (2006) The Treasure House: Objects of Wonder, Objects of Play, essay from Mapping the Musesphere Cultures of Exhibition and Technologies of Display, MPhil/PhD, Media and Communications, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 2006 (Download) S. Hazan (2005) Weaving Science Webs: E-Learning and Virtual Science Centers. Back to Source Title. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-591-7.ch005 ISBN13: 9781591405917 ISBN10: 1591405912 EISBN13: 9781591405931.Pages: 93-109 pp. S. Hazan (2005) The Virtual Dead Sea Scrolls and the Electronic Art Garden, Institutions / edited by James Hemsley, Vito Cappellini and Gerd Stanke. Ashgate S. Hazan (2004) Virtual Communities and Collaboration in the Heritage Sector Digicult S. HAZAN (2003) The Musesphere and the E-Museum, The University of Edinburgh 17-20 September 2003 ISBN: 0 9532713 3 1 S. Hazan Paolini P., & Di Blas N. (2003) The SEE Experience: Edutainment in 3D Virtual Worlds. (David Bearman, Trant, Jennifer, Ed.).Museums and the Web 2003: Proceedings. Abstract S. Hazan (2001) The Virtual Aura - Is There Space for Enchantment in a Technological World? (David Bearman, Trant, Jennifer, Ed.).Museums and the Web 2001: Proceedings. Abstract S. Hazan (2001) From the First Millennium to the third, the Content is the Message. (David Bearman, Garzotto, Franca, Ed.).International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting: Proceedings from ichim01. Abstract S. Hazan (1999) Linking and Thinking - The Museum @ School. (David Bearman, Trant, Jennifer, Ed.).Museums and the Web 1999: Proceedings. S.Hazan (1997) The Fourth Wall. Museum Interactive Multimedia, 1997: cultural heritage systems design and interfaces. Selected Papers from ichim97. Abstract S. Hazan (1995) Museums and Art on the Internet. (David Bearman, Ed.).Hands On: Hypermedia & Interactivity in Museums: Selected Papers from the Third International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums: Volume 2 (ICHIM 95 / MCN95) Contact