Transforming Digital Culture
Investigating the digital practices that transform cultural experience while augmenting and disrupting the very ethos of the museum to collect, conserve, stage and interpret unique physical objects.

Susan Hazan

Consulting to institutions and agencies to coordinate and stimulate digital activity across the sector: museums, libraries and archives, digital humanities based in universities, innovation hubs, and representatives from the related government ministries.

The Musesphere

Mapping the Musesphere: Cultures of Exhibition and Technologies of Display, PhD, Goldsmiths College, University of London, focusing on electronic architectures in the contemporary museum.

Susan Hazan

After more than 30 years in the sector Hazan researches digital transformation and how it both augments and disrupts cultural heritage.
Download CV

Professional Affiliations

Europeana Foundation Advisory Board, 2021/23
Advisory Board members provide expert insight, knowledge and recommendations relating to the strategic direction of the Foundation.

Chair: Membership Working Group, 2020/21

Chair: Steering Group, Climate Action Community, 2021/23

Diversity and Inclusion Task Force

Chair: Europeana Network Association, (2021-2022)

Management Board, (2020-2022)

Europeana Members Council 2017-2022)

Co-Chair: Communicators Community (2019-2021)


MIT Press | Reviewer

Springer Journals | Reviewer

Journal on Computer and Cultural Heritage (JOCC), Associate Editor, Reviewer

Il capitale culturale. Studies on the value of cultural heritage
Editorial Board
Universit di Macerata – Dipartimento di beni culturali

Program Committee

MUSE Awards, American Alliance of Museums (AAM)
Jury Chair, Digital Campaign

HCI International, July 2020 Copenhagen
Program Board, 8th International Conference on Culture an Computing

Florence Heri-Tech, 2020
Technical Program Committee
The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies

Selected Publications

Google Books

dblp computer science bibliography

Google Scholar

Musesphere on YouTube

Lectures and Presentations

July 2024, What is New in AI, EVA London 2024

July 2024, Yad Vashem PART I, The Digital Holocaust, New technologies and Holocaust

July 2024, Yad Vashem PART II, The Digital Holocaust, New technologies and Holocaust Education

December 2023, The Dance of the Doppelgängers, AI and the Cultural Heritage Sector, Digital Imaging & the Preservation of Tangible Cultural Heritage International Course, Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem

December 2023, The Dance of the Doppelgängers, AI and the Cultural Heritage Sector, Digital Imaging & the Preservation of Tangible Cultural Heritage International Course, Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem

October 2023, Exploring the prompt: introduction to AI image and text generators, and hands-on workshop, Europeana Tech Conference, The Hague, See program
See video

October 2023, “Constellations of Images: ‘The Grande Conversion’ in Cultural Archives”, EPFL, Lausanne,
The Dance of the Doppelgängers Gen AI for cultural heritage See video

July 2023, EVA London 2023, International Symposium, London - See video,
The Dance of the Doppelgängers: Gen AI for cultural heritage

June 2023, Hazan S., (2023) An Accident Waiting to Happen: AI Besieges the Cultural Heritage Community, Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, EVA 2023 Florence.

June 2023, Hazan S., (2023), Europeana Takes on Digital Sobrietry at a Time of Climate Emergency Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, EVA 2023 Florence.

June 2023, AI Interventions and the Holocaust, Seminar for faculty members teaching in the States, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem

May 2023, CEPIC, Is AI hijacking Art?, An Accident Waiting to Happen, AI Besieges the Cultural Heriatge Community, Juan les Pins, Antibes See program

March 2023, Prompting Forbidden Words, AI interventions and the Holocaust, Panel Discussion Panel on the use of digital tools in education,
Yad Vashem, Jerusalem

June 2022, The Foundation, The Network and the Climate Community come together to locate Climate Action in Europeana, Integrated Risk Management in Museums Past Lessons, Future Ways, Portugal, Invited Speakers

November 2021, Through the Looking Glass: Cultural Heritage Custodians to Populate the Mirrorworld, Digital Imaging & the Preservation of Tangible Cultural Heritage, An International digital course, Jerusalem - 2021-2022

December 2021, Mindfulness and the Museum: Can Digital Delivery of Cultural Heritage Contribute to our Wellbeing? «DigItalia», 2021

October 2021, Mining Big Data for Agile Narratives, MBD 2020, MUSEUM BIG DATA, 2021

April 2021, Digital Education and the Power of Storytelling with Europeana Program

July 2020, Copenhagen, HCI 8th International Conference on Culture an Computing Program Board, Presentation: Deep Fake and Cultural Truth

May 2020, , Florence, The International Conference Florence Heri-tech, The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies, Technical Program Committee, Presentation: Through the Looking Glass. Cultural Heritage Custodians to Populate the Mirrorworld

November 2019, , Lisbon, Europeana AGM, Moderator: Pitch your Project,   Communicating the value of digital culture to stakeholders

June 2018, Berlin, Cultural heritage communities and audiences in today’s digital environment, SUMMIT 2018: EVENT, Performing the Digital Museum

April 2018, Lausanne, Symposium "Rising to the challenge. Digital innovation in museums." International symposium organized by PLATEFORME, Presentation: Performing the Digital Museum

April 2018
Berlin, VIMM - Virtual Multimodal Museum Network, Chair: Working Group 1.1, What is a Virtual Museum
November 2020, Europeana 2020: Crisis, Change and Culture
Europeana Network Association/Europeana Aggregators' Forum Pitch
Panel with Kevin Kelly, Senior Maverick, WIRED

October 2020, Museums and Agile Narratives - Rethinking the Stories in a 4.0 World
Digitale Konferenz: museum4punkt0: Zukunft gemeinsam entwickeln – Digitale Erweiterung musealer Erlebnisse und Prozesse

October 2020, Mining Big Data for Agile Narratives
MBD 2020, MUSEUM BIG DATA, Nicosia, Cyprus, Organised by UCL Qatar and The Cyprus Institute

July 2020, What Matters Now
A free, freestyle, global, bottom-up, online event, short conference-style presentations, mini TED-style talks

July 2020, Copenhagen, HCI 8th International Conference on Culture an Computing Program Board, Presentation: Deep Fake and Cultural Truth

May 2020, Florence, The International Conference Florence Heri-tech, The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies, Technical Program Committee, Presentation: Through the Looking Glass. Cultural Heritage Custodians to Populate the Mirrorworld

November 2019, Lisbon, Europeana AGM, Moderator: Pitch your Project, Communicating the value of digital culture to stakeholders,

June 2018, Berlin, Cultural heritage communities and audiences in today’s digital environment, SUMMIT 2018: EVENT, Performing the Digital Museum

April 2018, Lausanne, Symposium "Rising to the challenge. Digital innovation in museums." International symposium organized by PLATEFORME, Presentation: Performing the Digital Museum

April 2018
Berlin, VIMM - Virtual Multimodal Museum Network, Chair: Working Group 1.1, What is a Virtual Museum

Interviews and Reports

Take a Virtual Tour of 30 World-Class Museums & Safely Visit 2 Million Works of Fine Art, Open Culture, 21.3.20

אמנות | המוזיאון המתחדש: הולוגרמות ומציאות רבודה, Globes 2018

Taking museums into the digital age, Culture Report, The Jerusalem Report, 2016, Judith Sudilovsky

The Digital Dead Sea Scrolls, Information Summit, St. Petersburg, 2012 (in Russian), 2012

The Digital Dead Sea Scrolls now in Chinese, CCTV, July, 2012, CNTV, download movie

Dead Sea scrolls available in Chinese CCTV News - CNTV English, 29/07/2012, report

CityU students help on Chinese version of digital Dead Sea Scrolls, report


האתר של מוזיאון ישראל, Daily Maily, People and computing, 2018

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